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Showing posts from 2020

Happy Holidays

 New post to restart the comment count, last post in 2020! Please remember the rules are still in effect, but I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for following them and calling out those who don’t.  I am looking for someone to “watch” the blog the first week of January. We are going to Texas to meet my sons girlfriends family and get them settled in a new apartment. I am having a hard time with him moving in with her so far away from home when he is only 19, but he will finally be starting college in the fall so I need to suck it up lol. I am also on a mission to get Mr. Mckfacts to move there, so this trip may finally motivate him. I will not be around the first week of January so I would like someone to simply monitor comments and delete anything they find to be causing any issues. If you are interested please email me!

New Rules

 I seriously thought about deleting this blog this morning, I came very close but in the end I decided that would be giving Jennifer McKinney exactly what she wants. Instead I have decided to make new rules for commenting. This blog is (or at least used to be) an escape for many, myself included. There was a time I could ask someone to reign it in if things were getting out of hand and there would be no issues. Now it has come to receiving harassing comments and name calling. So from here on out the rule is there will be no more warnings if the rules are not followed. And if people make up new names and continue to come in and harass after banning the comments will be turned off. From this point on we will talk about Jennifer and Israel only (although Jen Junior and the Xyng Bats can be discussed as well). Please read the new rules - All talk will be about Jennifer and Israel McKinney , children can be mentioned but there will be no dissecting the kids as we do Jen and Iz. I believ...

Oh what a difference a year makes...


September Open Post

Just a new post to restart the comment count. I did want to take a second to LOL about Jennifer being on a 14 day quarantine for supposedly coming in contact with a positive case. August 26- Close contact Covid exposure. 😫 I even have the official call from the county today to prove it. Funny thing: the guy on the phone was 3 days off on our 14 day quarantine date. Shouldn’t they be a little more accurate about these things? Don’t worry. I corrected him. 🤪 So our eager kiddos will NOT be starting in-person learning tomorrow on the First Day of School after all. I had to pick up Kieran from the Kickoff High School Overnight Retreat he had JUST gotten to. No Back to School Bash last night. Birthday party plans off the table. 😰 I’m not going to lie, there were some tears of disappointment and frustration in our family when we found out, BUT we are so glad that no one we know is actually critically ill. We did our due diligence and informed everyone we needed to. Soooo proud of our...

Goodbye Hyvor, Welcome Back Disqus

I am about to begin installing Disqus back, I make no promises that things will look right or work correctly. We still have no WIFI and my friends house is spotty at best. But I am going to try lol. As a side note, Hyvor has emailed me three times (without my asking for help) to try to persuade me to stay with them, even offering a refund and free month of service. They swear they do not send out spam and are very "privacy oriented". I am just not responding to them and already removed my email from my account. I truly apologize for this mess, I should have known when there was not one negative review that something was up. I hope to have disqus back up within the hour, and as always if you have problems please let me know. I will be here for dinner so will have WIFI access all afternoon, but then it is back to my phone tonight. They claim we will have our WIFI back by Wednesday, but I am not holding my breath.

New Commenting Platform Discussion

We have had this platform for two weeks now. I have heard from some that it is great and some that they hate it. I need a more specific list so I can look for a different platform, if need be. Please list your Pros and Cons of this platform. Next week I will put up a survey to vote on if we keep it or try a different platform. Please don't hold back! My Pros Very similar to Disqus that became so familiar to us Easy to use Appearance is crisp and easy to read Customer Service is outstanding, every time I have had a question it was answered right away Fairly priced My Cons Constantly getting signed out No matter how many times I set it to default to latest as sort option it defaults back to best Length of time to load, especially when we hit 500 comments (I have purposely not made a new post so I could gauge the comment count before problems started) Not being able to see up or down votes (petty yes lol) No emails when you have comment replies (I don't use this opti...

Welcome To An All New MckFacts

Things look a lot different, I decided to do a major overhaul along with dumping disqus. Our new platform for commenting is Hyvor Talk. It is similar to Disqus but seems to be run by competent people. When you visit for the first time near the bottom left hand corner you will see a log in or sign up button in yellow. Click the sign up button. One important thing to note, do not use your first and last name, they will be your screen name if you do. Put what you want as your screen name in these boxes, I used Mckfacts as my first and a . as my second. Then put the whole thing in the screen name box (MckFacts.). If you want to change your name or picture you need to go to and click on your console at the top right. I have held off signing up for a year for now, the plan we are on allows 100k views a month, I need to make sure that is enough before we commit to a year. We may need the business plan, I am not sure yet. Next month I will have a better idea of what will work...


We will changing commenting platforms on Wednesday, July 15th. The blog will go down around 1pm central time. The new platform for commenting will be Hyvor Talk, which so far seems to be very similar to Disqus. I will not know how to log in as a commenter until after I install it, so I will make a dummy account to help walk through the process if needed. The same rules will be in place, no guest commenting etc. Please be patient as I am sure we will run into some hiccups along the way, for example I may have to auto approve everyone when they comment for the first time. I do not know yet if there will be moderated words that need to be added to keep comments from going into spam. This may be a huge mess for a few days, so I will be updating the Facebook page often, and if you really run into any issues please email me or send me a FB message anytime. I am hopeful this is going to resolve the ongoing issues we have all had lately with Disqus. Today they told me they didn't even rec...

Open Post

Just a new post to restart the comment count. I did have a thought though, I wonder if Jennifer uses her dot system to keep track of her foreclosures? Or lawsuits for non payment. Or DV charges. Or ravishing pharrs. Hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!

Welcome Home Jennifer!

Since you didn't get a proper welcome home party let me be the first to welcome you back to Wisconsin. Sorry my kids didn't get a chance to choreograph a dance for you. Enjoy the summer here in Wisconsin with closed pools and parks, cancelled events and rules and regulations that won't apply to your family. I hope the boob band made it home, you will need it when you go to buy your 13894583 gallons of milk at Costco. I hope you can keep "both of YOUR homes". I am certain the people of Hawaii are rejoicing in your departure, while us here in Wisconsin are just overjoyed you have returned 😒 I made this little beach header to remind you of what you will be missing out on! Enjoy.

May Open Post

Hi Jennifer! Oh I forgot you don't read here. Just a quick post thanking you for making your 12 year old daughter's Instagram account to sell her clothing private. Good Job! Sweety, you don't need a program to monitor your kids online behavior, you need to shut them down completely. Other than your oldest son, none of them should be online without YOUR watchfulness and knowledge about where they are visiting or who they are talking to. What, did they find this site? If I remember correctly "K" visited and commented on here several months ago, so at least he is very aware of your online notoriety. Unless it wasn't K? Maybe I misunderstood 🙌 Also? Here in Wisconsin we don't need you or your "hunter gatherer husband" to help us get off the Stay At Home Order. Go wear your Boob Band to Costco and buy 13934883 gallons of milk. Continue to live in your paradise Hawaii in a state of denial. Wisconsin is doing just fine without you!

Open Post

New post to start the comment count. I have put up a new JR post here And there is a new page at the top for our Book Club. I will update the top bar every time we start a new book/chat. The top bar link is here  and a direct link to the April Chat is here

April Book Club Chat

Since we are all just getting started, let's list out some books that we can use for our first reading. I am open to anything, so if you only have access to some books please let us know and we can figure out from there which to choose for our first book. Please only use this thread for book discussions, no JR or Mck talk on here.

I Wonder...

So Jennifer "wonders" about the Corona Virus.  You are someone who has spent MULTIPLE (and often times unpaid) visits in hospitals. I wonder what would happen if you could manage to pay your bills. I wonder what it would be like if you weren't a drug seeker. I wonder what would happen if you actually supervised your children. I wonder how it would be if you and your "retired" husband actually had J.O.B.S.I wonder where for art though Prince Charming is????  I wonder what it would be like if you actually told the truth once in your life. I wonder how it would be if you weren't such a narcissist. What do YOU wonder about?

Fun Mindless Post

We all need something to take our minds off what is happening, I know this site is an outlet for many so let's try and lift our spirits a bit. The goal is to find the funniest or your all time favorite picture of Jenny (or Izzhole) and post it. This can be a picture she posted, a funny meme that was made, whatever. But please limit this to ONLY pictures of them, keep the kids out of it. I will start...

Open Post

New post to restart the comment count. There is also a Junior post up too 

Open Post

Hey all, I am sick with the flu so this is the best I can come up with today. Just something to restart the comment count as Disqus is annoying for everyone when it gets above 1000. stuffed sausage vs model wearing a shower curtain 

Aloha Hawaiian Visitors

Hello from MckFacts! Welcome to the group. We are happy you are here to learn about the REAL Jennifer. We will be updating the site soon to include all the latest antics of your new resident, and we are all sorry you have to deal with her. Sit back and feel free to ask questions, but please do not put up links to this blog on social media. ***If anyone is interested in helping with content writing please send me an email

Open Post

New post to restart the comment. I do want to take a minute to address something. I would like to ask that no pictures or discussion about ANY child outside of the McKkids be posted on this blog. Also, the discussion about the MckKids has gotten a bit out of hand lately, and I am just as guilty for this . I will be enforcing the rule of no discussion about the children or the comment will be removed. Since there are Google ads up in here I can say that we now have a lot, a lot of views from Hawaii. It is safe to say that there is a very strong possibility that parents of children that go to school with the kids may be aware of this blog. I do not want anyone to read something about their child on here. It is not their fault that the scammers decided to put their kids in that school. Thank you for your cooperation on this.

Red Barn is Going...Going...Gone!

So while Jennifer and "Israel" are starting a political debate the Barn is officially up for auction, owe the state of Wisconsin a TON of money, and seem to have been told they cannot "rent" their stupid beach house out. I think we all figured out back when they ran from Wisconsin so quickly that something was up, but I never thought it would be this quick! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. McKinney on actually shocking me! Link to the auction - Link to updated house description - Link to Tax Warrant - Link to rental FB page - *As always, please d...

Recap Post

Interesting couple of weeks in MckDrama Land. We learned about a 5th foreclosure, which includes Mr. Youngman being added to the filing for the money they scammed him out of. Remember her cars were taken in Wisconsin to pay off some of the debt they owed him . There was another bout of kidney stones, including a few trips to the ER for more pain relief, of course these pain incidents coincided with the reveal of the foreclosure proceedings. More Xyng touting of course. And now we have learned that she is renting out the first home she was in on Oahu. How is she trying to rent that home? Why by adding people to a group messenger chat of course! I have added the ongoing chat to a separate page, it is very long so I didn't want to make a mess of the pictures page. Oahu Rental Chat And in case anyone who stumbles on this who doesn't know how to Google, ahem sheeple, here is a link to Facebook reviews on the wonderful beach property she is trying to get $200 a night fo...

Welcome to Kidney Stone Season

While I do not for a second feel that she is not actually suffering from kidney stones or that they are extremely painful, I just find the timing of "the worst pain ever" funny as it is the exact same time as court documents are released. She is in the process of her 5th (FIFTH) foreclosure. The same day the court page is updated she begins the 2020 Hawaiian Hospital Tour. January 19th -  Wakes up Israel with the words "it's time". He of course knows exactly what she means and rushes her to the hospital.States she has a dime sized stone and her new urologist in Maui will "do his best to squeeze her into the operating room" January 20th - Of course her urologist is able to get her in the operating room, but we need to hear this first " Last night was probably the most physical pain I’ve been in an entire life. Even with an abundance of IV pain medicine, it was horri...

Yet Another Foreclosure

How convenient that another McKinney foreclosure happens when a kidney stone occurs as well. Tell me again Jennifer how "rich" you are? Pissing away money in Hawaii and losing another house in Wisconsin. 

On the next episode of Keeping Up With the McKinney's...Adding two more kids to "their family"

Notice the word adopt is not mentioned. I do not believe for a second they would ever pass background checks for adoption. I am wondering if this is some type of exchange student program, whatever it is it is ridiculous. So now there will be a total of 11 people in a 3 bedroom home. 

Just LOVE This Post if You Want to Get Scammed!

Why does her stomach look so weird in the "before" picture? And ffs WEAR PANTS Jennifer! Edited to add this picture she posted a year ago