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Showing posts from March, 2020

I Wonder...

So Jennifer "wonders" about the Corona Virus.  You are someone who has spent MULTIPLE (and often times unpaid) visits in hospitals. I wonder what would happen if you could manage to pay your bills. I wonder what it would be like if you weren't a drug seeker. I wonder what would happen if you actually supervised your children. I wonder how it would be if you and your "retired" husband actually had J.O.B.S.I wonder where for art though Prince Charming is????  I wonder what it would be like if you actually told the truth once in your life. I wonder how it would be if you weren't such a narcissist. What do YOU wonder about?

Fun Mindless Post

We all need something to take our minds off what is happening, I know this site is an outlet for many so let's try and lift our spirits a bit. The goal is to find the funniest or your all time favorite picture of Jenny (or Izzhole) and post it. This can be a picture she posted, a funny meme that was made, whatever. But please limit this to ONLY pictures of them, keep the kids out of it. I will start...

Open Post

New post to restart the comment count. There is also a Junior post up too