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  1. Any chance you could post her caption, when there is one, with the picture?

  2. I will have to play around and see how I can do that. I am getting these from Webstigram and there are no comments on those. When I do a screenshot from my phone I can get the whole thing, so I just have to figure out a way to get it all up in one shot.

    1. Thanks! That would be cool...cause boy does she say some stupid shit in her captions.

  3. Sorry I didn't get all of them, she posts 2.555555555 pictures a freaking day. I have found a way to get her stupid comments included, but I am not gonna go back and do the ones with her stupid hunked up food.

  4. Yeah! Cool, thanks! You rule!! \m/

  5. I am SO SICK of the Bora Bora pictures!


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