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Showing posts from October, 2021

Round one of background checks

This was all done using my phone so it may not be as exciting as anticipated. Also I cannot guarantee how correct this all is, as Israel’s picture is not actually him. Also note I was incorrect with the date that Israel was removed from the home deed, it was 2013 NOT 2019 . Redacted as this was my mistake  There are several resales of the pink barn, I am not sure why that is, but several times they are listed as previous and current owners. I only included the one where he is on there and then not. I also included criminal records, Jennifer had one that I never knew about, but again since it wasn’t ever in the Wisconsin ccap and it’s nothing major or anything. I’m sorry this is the best I can do for now, I will try and take over Mr. Mckfacts computer to do research on the other information, I don’t want to post anything unless I can verify it 100%. Again this was done in my phone, so screenshots look a little funky.