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Showing posts from September, 2019

We Don't Support Nike...Except When We do

These were posted by Jennifer McKinney following the Colin Kapernick fiasco.    Yet in the last year there are tons of pictures showing the kids wearing Nike, these are just a small example, I do not know enough about Nike shoes to know if the shoes they wear are Nike.  So which is it Jennifer? Did you "swear off" Nike or not? And honestly? Who really cares? You are not swaying people either way, so just own it. You taking a stand is ridiculous.

Will YOU be the Lucky Winner? 🤞

Still touting the miracle drugs for the weight loss -

Hello September

New post to restart the comments. I'll leave you with this lovely selfie, she was on her own this morning, she needed safety this morning. This morning she ran and had a spotlight on her big bald head. She had to take a selfie this morning. Just who the hell gave her a 4.0? Was this some clown college?