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Showing posts from 2017

Happy Holidays

A very happy holiday season to all! I am busy planning my Christmas dinner of tacos served on plastic trays.

Same Sh*t Different WEEK!

So we are what 2 or 3 weeks into this mess? And needless to say they will remain in Boston. This totally smells of running from something- losing another house? Separation/Divorce season? Another bankruptcy attempt? Whatever it is Jennifer you are a disgusting human being. Get yourself some help! So to lighten up my foul mood that she has put me in let’s play a guessing game… Thanks to putaforkinme for the idea, let’s make our best guesses- So what is next.... 1) Complete blow off with random new pics in West Salem of Christmas decor, chore cards or spelling bee practice? 2) Full out victimization of healthcare system and how poor Lachlan has been suffering all weeks and no one can figure out how to handle his very rare situation? 3) it’s a Miracle once again!!! God saved Lachlan and he didn’t need surgery once and for all! He sneezes hard one day and the massss blew right out his sinus passages! God loves me most twice!! 4) flys to Hawaii to celebrate post surgery...

A Breeding Ground For Scammers

This will come to no surprise to many of you, but M3 is Missy Maw from awhile ago. In all honesty, my memory from that drama infused debacle is not good. I guess I didn’t realize that MM had changed her name to M3 and resumed posting. Back when that screen name was being questioned several readers (including Roobii) messaged me with doubts about other personal things that she was saying.  A small refresher, the Missy Maw drama occurred in February 2015- ·          Banjo mom/Boston Ben received a package from someone who it turned out to be a PO box belonging to Missy Maw ·          Upon doing a bunch of investigating over 2 years ago, the email address used for the Missy Maw account was found to have a HUGE online presence, all with different stories and all completely drama infused ·          Missy Maw had two Facebook profiles that were used to talk with ...

Poor, Poor Jennifer

The following is an except from Xyngular's website - Yet Jennifer McKinney claims she has been "sick" for 28 days. Enduring 4 surgeries/procedures, unable to get out of bed. Yet a commenter saw the lying liar who lies just yesterday getting into her tacky Escalade So I am confused. What terrible illness does Xyngular NOT cure? I thought they were the miracle drugs that cured all? Or is this just a way for you to not only garner attention/sympathy whilst making your "team" feel the need to push these miraculous drugs on people so you can sit on your ample ass on your iEverything? Sorry Jennifer you will get no sympathy from me. None. Not when I have read comments about actual suffering that people endure. You don't want to complain, yet you do...

Kidney Stone Season. Again.

How convenient that the kidney stones (which must be the worlds worst stones EVER since they require the Queen of Xyng to endure a week long hospital stay) waited till after Hawaii and before the cruise. I would love to understand how these miraculous drugs cure cancer, infertility, asthma, etc etc etc yet do nothing for kidney stones! Why I would even wonder if they are part of the cause of your problem Jennifer! A little background, my ex suffered from terrible kidney stones, even when he had the biggest one of his entire life he spent one night in the hospital. One. Either she is *AHEM* lying or there must be a whole lot more going on than just kidney stones. You just never know with her.

General Post

Hello all! A nice clean post to restart the comment count. I will be leaving Thursday night for our mini vacation to Cedar Point and will not be around (or checking email) until Monday. Hopefully nothing will blow up, but I am not spending over 500 bucks to take my kids to this place to sit on my iPhone :)

Birds of a Feather...

Since Chuckles is a part of "Jennifer's" company I thought it would be nice to show just how rude these Xyngbats are to potential clients. God forbid anyone dare ask a question about the validity of their precious supplement! When there were no questions asked Chuckles comes back with this -  OK I have a question Chuck, why in the hell is Jennifer McKinney taking these "supplements" and slowly morphing into a fat, bald, man?

Open Post

Another open post to reset the comment count. However, I do have to comment on the following two pictures-   How did I miss the auditions for a new Bewitched? I have to ask, what in the everliving HELL are these women wearing??? HAHAHA this one looks like she was actually trying to match Agnes's outfit above! Yep Jennifer I am totally jealous of your lack of fat and rolls

Holiday Weekend Open Post

For our US friends have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend! I am off for the next 4 days so this goes up a bit early. I leave you all with this wonderful image - AHEM, You're Welcome!

Spelling Bee All About ME ME ME

MckFacts Blog wants to wish Kieran (speller #106) lots of luck! We all here are rooting for you J Here are some links for anyone interested in following along on this incredible journey.   *Please remember this blog is about his mother, NOT the kids. Please no trash talk in regards to any of the children. Thank you!

Weekend General Post

The last time I was in a room with "our" Jenny was right after the first picture was taken. She looked good, and most importantly HEALTHY. What those drugs have done to her is scary. In four short years she looks like a completely different person, and not in a good way. 2013 2017

Right and Wrong (and really, really wrong)

Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer...SMDH. Please see the images below, those kimonos are doing you NO FAVORS. Seriously. Yes No Yes Hell No

Your Health and Wellness Coach

Link to "professional" cruise pictures -

Another Open Post

Fresh post to restart the comment count. Cruise season bores me, and the idiocy of Jennifer McKinney selling diet drugs whilst weighing close to 300 lbs is a total joke.  However, I will start this new post, and if by some chance there are people who want to discuss the FF fuckery, well that is A-OK with me!

Tell Me Again How Healthy Xyngular is?

First picture was taken January 2017 second I believe 2009